Grief, trauma, PTSD, emotional and psychological stress…

All of these terms share several things in common with how they affect the body. Unless processed and complete, they put the body in a state of perpetual fight/flight. Which is in essence a heightened state of anxiety in order to protect the self. The drawback of being in this state constantly is that it begins to feel like your natural default state; and you can feel like something is off or wrong when you are not in it. Imagine that, feeling like something is wrong during the fleeting moments where everything is right…

The key to reversing this state of being lyes in going deep into the grief, trauma, PTSD, or emotional and psychological stress that has gripped you for so long. Rather than being numb to it all and resting in the state of protection, letting your guard down and surrendering to all the underlying causes of your fight/flight operating system. Feeling deeply into it all, internally dialoguing with it, welcoming it rather than wishing it would go away. As undesirable as this might sound, it is your never-ending-always-present access to releasing those things that hold you back.

Sometimes you have to push into the barrier of the physical issues that have manifested as an indirect result of held grief, trauma, PTSD, and emotional/psychological stress… The depth to which you are willing to feel into them isn’t as important as simply being willing to feel into them. Once you find safety in this once unknown and uncomfortable pain barrier you can begin to let go, to surrender to what is. You’ll know when you have done so, because in whatever individual way your body needs to release something it will without hesitation; it lies entirely in your own willingness to turn the controlling mind off and allow your body to do what it innately knows it needs.

You might experience a burst of emotion, muscle spasms, shaking, coughing, nervousness or anxiety, all the above or some combination of these things… it varies by the individual and also by the specific issues your body is ready to deal with at the time. This process does not present you with a table of contents and an order of operations, and that is all part of the surrendering process.


Breathwork influences the autonomic nervous system, promoting relaxation or alertness by modulating heart rate, blood pressure, and stress levels. Controlled breathwork can foster balance and calmness within the body and mind, as well as assist in releasing stuck energy & emotion.

Inner Parts Work

Inner parts work, including approaches like Internal Family Systems (IFS) and The Tamura Method, involves exploring and understanding different facets of one's psyche or internal "parts." These parts represent distinct aspects of an individual's personality, emotions, and experiences. Through therapeutic interventions, individuals can foster self-awareness, integrate these parts, and promote emotional healing and growth.


Sound Healing and Journeys

Sound healing utilizes the vibrational frequencies of sound to promote relaxation, balance, and well-being. It involves the use of singing bowls, gongs, and other instruments to create harmonious vibrations that resonate with the body. Sound healing journeys are immersive experiences where individuals engage in sessions or workshops incorporating various sound tools, allowing them to embark on a transformative and meditative exploration of their inner selves through the healing power of sound.


The Tamura Method

The Tamura Method helps individuals unravel the origins & impact of their core wounds. It fosters a nurturing connection between the Adult-self and the wounded Child-self, so that both aspects can be embraced & embodied synergistically.


Energetic Balancing

Energetic balancing is a holistic approach of promoting harmony and equilibrium in the body's energy systems. The aim is to identify and address imbalances in the body's energy flow, such as disruptions in the flow of chi or prana, to promote overall well-being. The goal is restoring balance and facilitating the body's innate ability to heal itself.


Myofascial Release (MFR) - John F Barne's Approach

Myofascial Release (MFR) is a manual therapy technique that focuses on releasing tension and restrictions in the fascia, the connective tissue that surrounds and supports muscles, bones, and organs. Barnes' approach involves sustained pressure and stretching to facilitate the release of fascial restrictions, promoting improved flexibility, range of motion, and alleviation of pain. Addressing fascial restrictions can have positive effects on past trauma trapped in the tissue, as well as overall well-being by addressing the root causes of physical discomfort and dysfunction.


CranioSacral Therapy

CranioSacral Therapy is a gentle alternative therapy that involves manipulating the craniosacral system, which encompasses the membranes and cerebrospinal fluid surrounding the brain and spinal cord. It employs subtle touch and manipulation techniques to identify and address imbalances in this system, aiming to enhance the body's natural healing abilities.


Somatic Awareness

Somatic mindfullness and coaching is a holistic approach that integrates the mind, body, and spirit. Through this practice, clients are guided to develop a deeper awareness of their physical sensations and emotions. This heightened awareness leads to improved self-regulation, emotional resilience, and a better understanding of the body's responses to life's challenges.